Gardening Season With Lowe's
Garden season will be here in the Midwest before you know it and when you take gardening pretty seriously like my family does, the planning starts now! Thankfully we have our local hardware store, Lowe's, to help! #AD If you've followed along for a while, you know I have a huge garden. I'm always sharing my "Morning Coop Walks" on my Stories to the chicken coop with half of our 10x14' shed acting as our chicken coop and half our garden shed. The garden shed has a reclaimed-wood planting counter with shelving below, pegs and hanging hooks for tools on two walls and a little loft to help store all of my pots and other garden equipment. It sits directly in front of our 85'x55' garden. Yes, it's large and takes a village to plan, cultivate, plant, nourish, weed and harvest. My dad and I do all of the planning—last year I even drew the garden up in SketchUp to scale and we labeled out the rows and spacing to get extra organized and ensure we planted everything we wanted to. Then my sister-in-law, dad and I plant while my mom is crucial later in the season weeding and harvesting. There is nothing better than walking to the garden on summer nights and grabbing fresh vegetables to cook up or teaching my girls how to plant and care for something to watch it grow. With such a large garden, it takes a lot of supplies and trips to the hardware store for plants, seeds, potting soil, herbs, shovels, pots and gloves! This year I'm teaming up with Lowe's to share some of my favorite spring Gardening finds. #LowesPartner @loweshomeimprovement